to May 28

Community Group

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Young Adult and Young Family Groups

Young Adult and Young Families

Community Groups for Young Adults and Young Families are available, join anytime.

Young Adult Small Group
Wednesday Nights
7:00 p.m.
In member's home

Looking for a community of young adults in their 20s and 30s? Join us for an engaging time of study and fellowship, led by RPC's Modern Worship Leader, Trenton Durham.

We meet every Wednesday from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at a group member’s home, creating a welcoming and relaxed environment to connect and grow together.

For more details, reach out to Trenton at We’d love to have you join us!


Young Family Fellowship Group
Meets the second and fourth Sunday of the month
9:30 a.m.
Alderman C/D


This group will meet twice a month (2nd and 4th Sundays) at RPC from 9:30-10:30 am in Alderman Hall A/B and is focused on offering fellowship to young families of RPC. This would include expecting families all the way through preschool and young elementary families.

We’re being intentional to offer this just twice a month, since many can only attend 9:30 worship due to children’s schedules. We don’t want to take you completely away from your opportunity for worship, but we also know that so many of you want fellowship with other parents. We hope this twice a month schedule allows you both time for fellowship and time for worship.

There is childcare and Sunday school available for all little and big ones during the 9:30 hour, as well as childcare for preschool age and younger during all our Sunday worship services.

Please know that this fellowship group will be made up of parents of little ones, which means sickness, sleepless nights, and everything else will cause you to miss Sundays. We completely understand and expect this. You are welcome to join this group whenever it works for you and your family, and there’s no pressure to make it every time. Come when you can!

Theology on Tap for Young Adults
Meets the first Monday of each month
6:30 p.m.
Gate City Brewing: The Artillery Room Loft
932 Canton St. Roswell

An evening of curiosity and open-minded conversations amongst local young adults and our pastors. Join us at Gate City Brewing where we will have facilitated discussion on various topics pertaining to Christianity and our world. It’s a time for open and honest conversation with healthy, friendly debate welcome.

All Adults Theology on Tap!
Monday, March 31
Gate City Brewing - Artillery Room
6:30 p.m.

Join us to connect and engage in casual conversation about faith and life. No reservations necessary, just show up!

Questions? Email Teri Kish at or call 770-649-4509

View all Adult Community Groups available at RPC, click here.

Learn more about Community Groups, click here.

to Apr 20


  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Be part of this legacy!
Prayerfully make your commitment by April 20!

Be part of this legacy!

We invite you to prayerfully make your commitment by April 20, knowing that every pledge, fulfilled over three years, strengthens RPC’s mission for generations to come.


Legacy Information Session
Sunday, March 30, in the Historic Sanctuary for an informational session to learn more.

Multiple times available
9:15 a.m.
(after the 8:15 service)
10:30 a.m.
(after the 9:30 service)
12:00 p.m.
(after the 10:45 and 11:00 a.m. services)

Learn more

> Learn more

> Learn more

> Learn more


Your support will help ensure RPC remains a place of worship, service, and community for generations to come. Click here to learn more and join us in this transformational mission.

Together, we can leave
an enduring LEGACY.

Commitment Form Download, click here.

9:45 am09:45

Palm Sunday Bible Survey Class

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Anticipating Easter in the Old Testament
A Special Easter Presentation by the Bible Survey Class

Anticipating Easter in the Old Testament
A Special Easter Presentation by the Bible Survey Class
Sunday, April 13
Room 243
9:45 — 10:45 a.m.

Palm Sunday 2025, Bible Survey Class is presenting an Easter special, “Anticipating Easter in the Old Testament.” It is a common adage that the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Testament, and the New revealed in the Old. The life and ministry of Jesus Christ was the fulfillment of centuries of prophecy, and when the Gospel was spread around the world, this point received great emphasis. We shall examine most of the key prophecies concerning the events of Jesus’ arrest, Crucifixion and Resurrection.

The early church’s bible was the Hebrew Bible; as it was the Bible Jesus knew and taught. We Christians are encouraged to celebrate from the Old Testament, whose connective tissue with the time of Jesus and our time today is strong and secure.


A Zoom recording will be made available to anyone unable to attend in person. To obtain the link to the recording, please email Bill Austin, Bible Survey leader and presenter

Questions? Contact Teri Kish by email or call 770-649-4509

Learn more about Bible Survey Class, click here.

Learn more about Lenten Season at RPC, click here

1:00 pm13:00

Wit & Wisdom

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church

Don't miss it! Once in a lifetime opportunity!

Sondheim on Sondheim
Sponsored by Wit & Wisdom
Sunday, April 13

A Bus trip to Bailey Performance Center at KSU

Bus leaving RPC at 1:00 p.m. returning to RPC at 6:30 PM
Backstage tours at 2:00 p.m / Performance at 3:00 p.m
Cost: $14.00

Deadline to register: Sunday, March 30

Arrive at KSU/Bailey Performance Center by 2 p.m. for a backstage tour led by Dr. Nathan Nabb, Director of the Bailey School of Music. He will discuss the BSOM’s vision, goals, and collaboration with the Theatre and Performance Studies Department, which involves over 100 students and faculty in Sondheim on Sondheim. The tour will offer a behind-the-scenes look at the Bailey School of Music. 

Don't miss it! Once in a lifetime opportunity!


After your payment you will receive an e-mail confirming your reservation number.

If you have any questions,please contact

Learn more about Wit and Wisdom, click here

Women's Retreat 2019 - Take My Life and Let It Be
to Jan 27

Women's Retreat 2019 - Take My Life and Let It Be

  • 1788 Georgia 356 Helen, GA, 30545 United States

Fri, Jan 25, 20194:00 PM  Sun, Jan 27, 20199:00 AM

Unicoi State Park & Lodge (map)

All women of RPC are invited to register for the Women's Retreat 2019, Take My Life and Let It Be, Friday, January 27 to Sunday, January 29.