Prayer Requests - Roswell Presbyterian Church

Do you have a prayer request or would you like to know the concerns of your faith family?
We email the Prayer Concerns of those wishing prayers for themselves or a loved one on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This is a list of members in hospitals, rehabilitation, or at home. Births, deaths, and marriages are also listed. General prayer concerns and prayers for those experiencing employment transition, serving in the military, and in personal care settings are included as well.

If you would like to receive the Prayer Concerns List, please contact:
Sonia Scheb | 770-649-4526 |

If you would rather speak to a pastor to submit a prayer request, please contact any of Roswell Presbyterian Church’s Pastoral Staff or you can make your request confidentially by completing the form above, or email directly

Permission of the person to be prayed for is required.

Main Church office: 770-993-6316

For Pastoral Emergencies, call 404-451-6482

Stephen Ministry

Need someone to talk to or pray with you? 
If you would like a Stephen Minister to walk with you through various life circumstances or if someone you know would like a Stephen Minister partner, please contact:
Rev. Ryan Jensen
Associate Pastor – Congregational Care


Lay Parish Visitors

Lay Parish Visitors (LPVs) are church members who make a monthly contact (visit, phone call, or card) with assigned persons who tend to be homebound or not otherwise able to fully participate in church activities. LPVs meet monthly for mutual support.

Staff Contact: Rev. Ryan Jensen, Associate Pastor – Congregational Care at or call 770-649-4507
Contact: Debbie Cagle at or Pam Scudellari at

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

Every other Wednesday at 9:30 am via Zoom, members meet to pray for those who request prayers on the Intercessory Prayer Card in the pew racks. They also pray for those on the daily Prayer Concerns list. Anyone can request prayers confidentially via email at

Staff Contact: Rev. Ryan Jensen, Associate Pastor – Congregational Care at, call 770-649-4507. Or Sonia Scheb, 770-649-4526,
Contact: Claudia Walker

Grief Support Group

Staff Contact: Rev. Dr. Scott Weimer, Associate Pastor - Congregational Care at, call (770) 649-4532. Or Sonia Scheb, Ministry Assistant, 770-649-4526,

Prayer quilts are given freely to anyone who stands in special need of prayer...
the only requirements are the person agrees to receive a quilt and gives us their prayer requests.