You’re invited to participate in a photo exhibit honoring the past, celebrating the present, and envisioning the future of our church.
This event will showcase the legacy of our faith community through photographs. All submissions will be featured in a special exhibit.
What We're Looking For:
Past: Historic photos that reflect key moments, memorable services (including baptisms and weddings), past leaders, and the foundation of our church.
Present: Images that celebrate our current church family, events, ministries, and the vibrancy of our daily life.
Future: Creative or visionary photos that represent the legacy that we hope to continue.
How to Participate:
Submit your photos, either by email or printed, during Submission Week (February 23 – March 2). You may include a title and/or brief description of their significance, but this is optional.
Submission Deadline: March 2, 2025
Exhibit Dates: March 9 – April 20, 2025
Pick up your photos at the church: April 21 – April 30, 2025
Cost: $5 per photograph that we print for you (No entry charge if you print your own)
Contact, Questions, and Submission: Nancy Langham at
You may submit up to three entries.
If you print your own photos, they must be printed on photo-quality paper and be 8x10 in size. They may be portrait or landscape orientation. Exhibit preference is for 8x10 photos. However, if you have smaller previously printed photos you'd like to submit, we can accept those as well. During Submission Week, there will be boxes available labeled Photo Exhibit Submissions for collecting the photos. There will be a box upstairs in the Narthex, and a box downstairs, outside of the church office. Post-it notes will be placed by the box; you must provide your name, email address, and phone number, and attach note to the back of the photo. If you want to provide a brief description of the significance of your photos, you must submit the description via email to Nancy Langham at
If you prefer for us to print the photos for you, email the photos to Nancy Langham at Include your name and phone number (required), and description (optional). To pay the $5 (per photo) printing fee, click to complete this payment form. The deadline for emailed photos is March 2, 2025.
Let’s come together to celebrate the journey we’ve been on and envision where we are headed. Be a part of this visual tribute to our faith and future!