Lay Parish Visitors
Lay Parish Visitors (LPVs) are church members who make a monthly contact (visit, phone call, or card) with assigned persons who tend to be homebound or not otherwise able to fully participate in church activities. LPVs meet monthly for mutual support.
Staff Contact: Rev. Rev. Ryan Jensen at ryan@roswellpres.org
or 770-649-4507
Contact: Debbie Cagle at deborahlynchcagle@gmail.com or Pam Scudellari at pamelascudellari@hotmail.com
Intercessory Prayer Ministry
Every other Wednesday at 9:30 am via Zoom, members meet to pray for those who request prayers on the Intercessory Prayer Card in the pew racks. They also pray for those on the daily Prayer Concerns list. Anyone can request prayers confidentially via email at rpcinfo@roswellpres.org
Staff Contact: Rev. Rev. Ryan Jensen at ryan@roswellpres.org
or 770-649-4507 or Sonia Scheb, 770-649-4526, Sonia@roswellpres.org
Contact: Claudia Walker
Flower Power Ministry
Volunteers needed to serve on Mondays. Arrangers break down the Sanctuary and Narthex flowers and make individual small arrangements. These arrangements are taken by the deliverers to members who are listed on the Prayer Concerns list. Consider doing this with a friend and enjoying fellowship.
Staff Contact: Sonia Scheb, 770-649-4526, Sonia@roswellpres.org
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Shawl Ministry Volunteers meet weekly on Tuesday afternoons to knit or crochet shawls, blankets, and lap robes. Knitting and crocheting is mostly done in fellowship with other Roswell Presbyterian Church members, but individuals may bring finished items to the group. After a prayer by name, a prayer shawl is delivered to those recently sick or in surgery. Roswell Presbyterian Church members may request that one be delivered.
Meets Tuesdays
1 to 3 p.m.
Room 246 (Sanctuary Level)
Staff Contact: Sonia Scheb, 770-649-4526, Sonia@roswellpres.org
Contact: Carol Sears
Prayers and Squares
Prayers & Squares is a caring ministry of fellowship, prayer, and outreach. Gathering each Monday morning, volunteers use their gifts in making quilts that are designed as an expression of prayer. Prayer Quilts are given to those who have physical, emotional, or spiritual needs for prayer. Each quilt has ribbons tied with knots as prayers are said for the recipient. If you would like to request a prayer quilt or prayer square, please fill out the online form, here.
Staff contact: Sonia Scheb, 770-649-4526, Sonia@roswellpres.org
Contact: Karen Wright
Funeral Guild
Volunteers prepare and deliver food (cookies, sandwiches, brownies, punch, etc.) needed for each funeral reception at RPC, and/or help to host (prepare punch, plate food, clean up) receptions in the Narthex - often on short notice - to meet the needs of an RPC family.
Staff Contact: Rev. Rev. Ryan Jensen at ryan@roswellpres.org
or 770-649-4507
Contact: Heather Bartenfeld
Grief Support Group
Staff Contact: Rev. Rev. Ryan Jensen at ryan@roswellpres.org or 770-649-4507
Military Ministry
Members of RPC that are military veterans and members that are supportive of veterans. They meet to support the Wreaths Across America ceremony each December, attend local Memorial Day activities, and other fellowship outings as planned.
Staff Contact: Sonia Scheb, 770-649-4526, Sonia@roswellpres.org