Sunday School

Preschool and Elementary Sunday School
There are classes for 2 year olds — 5th grade each Sunday morning.

Time: 9:30-10:30 a.m.
2 year old — Pre-K meet on the Preschool Hall
K - 5th Grade meet on the Elementary Hall

Childcare is also available to infants through preschool age during the
8:15 a.m., 9:30 a.m.,11:00 a.m. traditional and 10:45 a.m. modern services.
To learn more about childcare, click here.

For more information about
Preschool Sunday School
email our Director of
Early Childhood Ministries,
Rachel Rea

For more information about
Elementary Sunday School
email our Director of
Children’s Ministry,
Sara Hammond

Look who’s leading
Preschool and Elementary Sunday School!

Explore Children’s Ministry at RPC

Sunday Mornings

We are so glad that you are interested in knowing more about the Children's Ministry at Roswell Presbyterian Church. We have a vibrant and energetic program that is Christ-centered and fun-filled. RPC is committed to walking alongside families from the day their child is born to help them foster a lifelong relationship with Christ. We look forward to growing with your family!


What to expect when you and your children are visiting for the first time:

The best place to park is by the playground and enter through the doors to the right of the playground. As you come in the doors, continue forward past the stairway towards the information desk.

If you have a child infant through preschool-age, you will stop here at the wood desk and fill out a registration form to sign your child in. You’ll be greeted by our Director of Early Childhood Ministries, Rachel Rea, and/or our childcare team and they will direct you to your child’s classroom. If you attend during the 9:30 a.m. worship service, we have childcare for infants and toddlers as well as Sunday School classes for 2-year-olds through Pre-K age children. If you attend during the 8:15 a.m., 10:45 a.m., or 11:00 a.m. worship services, we offer childcare for infants through Pre-K age children.

Sunday School

Children age 2 - Pre-K meet on the Preschool Hall, and children in Kindergarten through 5th grade meet on the Elementary Hall. They will learn worship songs, create fun crafts, and engage in a Bible story and lesson. All ages hear and learn the same Bible story each week so families can reflect on Sunday School together. Classes are divided by age and grade level.

To get connected to a Sunday School small group, contact Emily Kampras by email or call 770-649-4527

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F2 for Fourth and Fifth Graders

We recognize that 4th and 5th graders are ready for a more mature Sunday School setting. Their hour is structured a little differently and is set up as a bridge between Elementary and Middle school, just like them! Kids meet in Room 211on the Elementary Hall. After large-group time, classes are divided by grade level for small-group discussion.

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Exceptional Children’s Program

We want every child at Roswell Presbyterian Church to feel loved, accepted, and included. The Exceptional Children’s Program pairs children and adults, who we call Shadows, as buddies during Sunday School so they are able to fully engage for a more meaningful experience.

If you think your child would benefit from a Shadow, or if you would like to volunteer as a Shadow, please contact Sara Hammond by emailing


Worship bags are essential for children because their little bodies are full of energy, curiosity and excitement. All of this makes it more difficult to sit still through an entire worship service! Children’s’ Worship Bags are located in the Narthex of the Sanctuary. We also have a variety of children’s books and Bibles located on the shelf near the worship bags.

We know that it can difficult for children to understand the scripture lessons in worship, which is why we provide children’s pew Bibles in several rows of the Sanctuary. We provide these Bibles in the front rows in order to encourage families to sit up close, because it is hard to see what’s going on when you’re that small!

We recognize the Lord's Supper is for all Christians, and those who have faith in Christ are welcome to his table at Roswell Presbyterian Church. Children participate in Worship Education through their Sunday School class (typically in their Kindergarten year), and through this series they learn about the sacrament of Communion. A special opportunity to take Communion as a family is on World Communion Sunday, which is the first Sunday in October each year. We always encourage families to worship and take Communion together, but we especially encourage it on this day!


Baptism Class

Each month, Rev. Carrie Weatherford, Associate Pastor of Discipleship, teaches this discussion-based class for parents considering baptism for their child. Our goal is to ensure that parents are prepared and fully understand this very special moment in the life of their child’s faith journey. This class is strongly recommended for all parents who plan to have their child baptized at Roswell Presbyterian Church.

For more information and to schedule a baptism, contact Jen Jackson, Program Assistant for Worship and Music, 

Class currently meets via ZOOM.

In all that we do, we are committed to being...

God centered – We teach Biblical truths while depending on God, following Christ and being led by the Spirit.

Welcoming – We welcome every child as a valuable and special child of God.

Joyful – We have fun and inspire real joy in the lives of our children and families.

Family Oriented – We are committed to honoring families and being connected to our entire church family.

Safe and Secure – We care for and protect everyone entrusted to us.

At Roswell Presbyterian Church, the Children's Ministry program partners with families so that every child and family will:

  • Claim an identity in Christ who loves them unconditionally–growing in knowledge and relationship with him.

  • Worship God in a way that is real and awe-filled.

  • Minister to and serve the world-family, church, peers, and community.

  • Know that they are a valuable part of the family of God through their connection to one another and our entire church family.

Discipleship Mission
With Christ as our foundation, the Discipleship Ministry of Roswell Presbyterian Church strives to educate, engage, and equip its people in the fullness of God’s story, so that all people would come to experience the love and grace of Jesus.