Family Mission Trip

  • Roswell Presbyterian Church 755 Mimosa Boulevard Roswell, GA, 30075 United States

Family Mission Trip
Monday, April 7 thru Friday, April 11
St. Simon Island, GA

We are so excited that the Family Mission Trip is back for 2025! We will serve in the areas surrounding St. Simon's Island April 7-11, 2025. We will meet in St. Simon's Monday, April 7 at 4:00 p.m. and leave Friday, April 11 after breakfast. Lodging and meals are at Epworth by the Sea on St. Simon's. We will serve Tuesday-Thursday morning in a variety of ways (past examples include cleaning debris from marshland, a car wash at an assisted living home, and serving at the Boys and Girls Club). Meals are included from dinner Monday-breakfast Friday. Youth aged middle school and above may attend without their families as part of the "youth family."

**Registration is only needed for one adult family member. Later in the registration process, you will list the names of additional family members attending. 

Bring your Bible

COST (includes 4 nights and 11 meals):
1 adult, 1 child - $1050
1 adult, 2 children - $1250
1 adult, 3 children - $1450
2 adults, 1 child - $1400
2 adults, 2 children - $1600
2 adults, 3 children - $1800 (2 rooms are recommended for this number of people)
Additional kid per room - $135
Additional teen per room - $270
Single adult - $800

A $100 deposit reserves a spot for your family!
Contact: Rev. Carrie Weatherford