Elder Nomination Form
Nominations are being accepted for the CLASS OF 2028
(June 2025 through May 2028)
Submit your nomination by Friday, January 31, 2025
> click here for answer
> click here for answer
> click here for answer
> PDF Download form
Listed above are the names of current or recent elders of the Session who traditionally or practically are not eligible for nomination for election this year.
Please also consider the following guidelines, traditionally observed by the congregation, for use in the nomination of new officers:
An elder nominated to return to the Session should have been inactive (not serving on the Session) for a period of at least two years before beginning service again.
Only a member on the Active Roll of RPC may be elected to the office of elder on its Session. Nominees should normally have active membership for at least two years, be regular financial contributors, and attend worship regularly.
Please submit your nomination by
Friday, January 31, 2025
Please contact Rev. Carrie Weatherford, carrie@roswellpres.org or Brent Rea, Nominating Committee Chair, brent.rea@gmail.com if you should have any questions.
What is an elder?
The governing body of a Presbyterian church, the session, is made up of church members who have been elected by the congregation to serve as elders. Elders make decisions about the life of the church for the purpose of nurturing the faith of the people of our congregation.
What are the qualifications of an elder?
We believe that the only thing that qualifies anyone is the grace of Jesus Christ. However, we also believe that elders are leaders of the church and therefore are held to a higher standard. Our hope is that these men and women would most importantly live as disciples of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, both in word and works.
What information should I include?
We would appreciate your personal input specifically in regard to his/her:
· commitment to Christ
· church involvement
· gifts for leadership
· teamwork and cooperation
· personal characteristics and skills
How do I nominate someone?
The Nominating Committee requests that you give prayerful consideration and submit the names of those members you would recommend using the form inside. The Class of 2028 will consist of 18 Elders and one Youth Elder. The Youth Elder should be in their junior or senior year of high school.
Choose one of the following methods to make your nomination:
(Option 1) Complete the form on this page
(Option 2) Download the form, click here, and print.
• Mail completed form to:
Attn: Rev. Carrie Weatherford
Roswell Presbyterian Church
PO Box 988
Roswell, GA 30077
• Email completed form to Rev. Carrie Weatherford carrie@roswellpres.org
• Bring this completed form to the Church Office during business hours (9am until 5pm, Monday - Thursday)
• Place this completed form in the offering plate on Sunday.