Serve Breakfast

First Sunday of the month
Meet at RPC South Tower Entrance
5:45 a.m.

Join RPC member, Mickey Deaton every the first Sunday of the month to serve breakfast to the housing insecure in Atlanta. Participants will meet at the RPC South Tower entrance at 5:45 a.m. to drive together to First Presbyterian Church in Atlanta (1328 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta, GA 30309).

For details and to sign up text or call Mickey at 770-310-2202.

Upcoming Opportunities
April 6
May 4
June 8
July 6
August 3
September 7
October 5
November 2
December 7

Donations needed
Because of the extreme cold weather clients are also in need of coats and warm weather gear feel free to drop warm weather donations in the blue bins outside our office.

Questions? Email Donna Brodsky at