• Roswell Presbyterian Church 755 Mimosa Boulevard Roswell, GA, 30075 United States

Would you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to financially support the ministry of Roswell Presbyterian Church in 2025?

Every fall, we ask our members to prayerfully discern how God calls us to support the church’s ministries financially for the upcoming year. Your commitment allows the RPC leadership to budget wisely for the ministries we are called to.

It’s hard to measure the full impact of your generosity. This past year, we hosted HomeStretch’s summer school, welcomed unhoused families through Family Promise, and had over 400 children and volunteers at Vacation Bible School. We’ve also held hundreds of worship services, Bible studies, mission trips, and retreats. Your generosity truly makes a difference!

If you’ve never made a financial commitment to RPC, would you consider doing so this year? If you already give, would you consider increasing your support? To keep up with inflation, we rely on members to increase their giving to sustain and grow our ministries. Would you prayerfully consider how God is calling you to support the ministry of Roswell Presbyterian Church in 2025 financially?

You can DOWNLOAD and
print a Commitment Card
Place completed Commitment Card
in the offering basket this Sunday.


Call the Church Office
and speak directly to:
Beth Lane
Or email

January 8
WEF: Yoga