Join us for dinner service starts at 5:45 p.m. with extended service available until 7:00 p.m. Please check in to receive a name tag or make a payment in Alderman A.
We’re serving this week:
RPC Fish & Chips
Normandy Vegetables
Cole Slaw
Salad will be available as part of each meal.
Pay for your meal online or at check-in.
Dinner cost:
$7 for Adults
$5 for children (ages 4-12th grade)
$28 Family Maximum
Salad will be available as part of each meal
Fall Meal Pass: starts Aug 21 and runs through Dec 4, 14 weeks total.
$98 for adult and $70 for children who eat at WEF
The Annual Meal Pass: Aug 21 and runs through May 6 (break Dec 4 - Jan 8) 31 weeks total.
The price of the annual pass will be $186 for adults and $124 for children who eat at WEF.
This is the only pass that offers a discount of $1 off each meal.