ryeX Refresh

Crabapple Middle School students are invited to Refresh: An After School Hangout on Tuesdays. November, 19, December 10, and January 21, from 4:00 p.m. until 5:15 p.m. at Fickle Pickle (1085 Canton Street), in Roswell. Students will meet Hunter in front of Rhea’s/Corner Grocery Store (at the corner of Wooodstock Rd and Canton St) and walk as a group to Fickle Pickle.

Bring money for food or drink purchases. Parent pick-up is 5:15 p.m. at Fickle Pickle.

More 2020 dates to be announced.

Contact Hunter Hotchkiss, hunter@roswellpres.org.

November 15
ryeX Hunger Games
November 25